- Bespoke Travel/Tailor Made/FIT
- Tours & Groups
- Villas
- Online Travel Agents
- Sports & Activity
- Golf activity specialist
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Built API-first so that all functions are available through modern REST interfaces, making Erin easily enhanced with new functionality if your needs change in the future and easy to integrate with other systems.
Erin is AWS cloud-based. Their ultra-modern development practices, software architecture and state-of-the-art tools reduce hosting costs whilst providing high-performance security.
No matter what plan you choose, our services are designed to help you get the most out of your investment. We can have you up and running in 24 hours, so you can focus on creating amazing experiences for your clients.
Established in 1994, we have an unparalleled understanding of the travel and leisure sector.
Your system can be set up and operating within 24 hours.
All you need to manage and operate your travel and leisure business within one platform.
Enables you to sell online.
All documents are personalised with your company logo and branding colours.
Erin’s connected with many 3rd party connectors from bedbanks, and flights to CRM and accounting systems.
We know you’ll want to get started asap so we created our knowledge base, all the information is at your fingertips.